1 篇文章
很多人闖進你的人生,只為了給你上一課,然後轉身離開。 There are those who would barge into your life just to give you a lesson, and then they would turn around and walk away.

奧斯卡得獎影評 2015奧斯卡得獎電影總整理

2015-03-18 23:17:49

(NPH did nail it in the Oscar hosting and I love him這次NPH主持的很順暢有趣)

I know I am a fashion blogger, but recently watching movie becomes my chief recreation because it's the best way to inspire me. That's why I have to write some review of the winning films I've watched to show my support.(I won't write the one I didn't see, that's not objective)


Movies, just like music and fashion, are all arts just in a different forms. When you are in a bad mood, or feeling sick about your life, just pick a movie and play it. No matter it's the comedy, horror movie or Romance, they can all give you a nutshell of a person's life and give you the power for tomorrow!


Pics from Oscar.go, Billboard, and Wikipedia


Best Picture 最佳影片



Birdman definitely worth you to watch! This movie will make you keep thinking about the character's life and also, your life.



Best Actress 最佳女主角

Julianne Moore, "Still Alice"我想念我自己

 Julianne, you are just like the real Alice without doubt!



Best Actor最佳男主角

Eddie Redmayne, "The Theory of Everything"愛的萬物論

Again, just like still Alice, Edie perfectly show his acting skill as Stephen!


Best Director最佳導演

Alejandro González Iñárritu, "Birdman"鳥人


Best Supporting Actress最佳女配角

Patricia Arquette, "Boyhood"年少時代


This is my favorite film among all of the winners. Boyhood is a movie perfectly depicting our teenage time. The time when we found ourselves, the time when we searching for love, and the time when we lived with families. Music precisely reflects the unique culture of that time and gave us the magic to revive the good old "boyhood."

這部影片真的太好看了,推薦去apple store買,很便宜!這部長達快三小時的片一點也不悶,劇情看似日常生活小事,卻都是伴我們成長回憶中最重要的點點滴滴,搭配那個時代專屬的音樂,讓我們回到當初那個最青澀,卻又懷念無比的年少時光。

Best Supporting Actor最佳男配角

J.K. Simmons, "Whiplash"進擊的鼓手

The music is really good and JK acts "fuking" convincing!



Best Original Screenplay最佳原創劇本

Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris and Armando Bo, "Birdman"鳥人


Best Adapted Screenplay最佳改編劇本

Graham Moore, "The Imitation Game"模仿遊戲

This movie is totally my type! Fluent story line with corresponding childhood clips, The imitation game is just perfect. Benedict's acting is really detail-oriented, from the handshake to stutter, he made the movie to the higher level.



Best Foreign Language Film最佳外語片



No comment cuz I didn't watch it


Best Documentary Feature最佳紀錄片





Best Animated Feature最佳動畫片

"Big Hero 6"



No comment cuz I didn't watch it



Best Film Editing最佳剪輯



Best Original Song最佳原創歌曲

"Glory" from "Selma" (written by Common and John Legend)

No comment cuz I didn't watch it but I am really interested in the topic of this film



Best Original Score最佳配樂

Alexandre Desplat, "The Grand Budapest Hotel"

This movie is ART!! No matter the makeup or costume, everything is so exquisite and every second of it is just like a piece of painting in museum! This definitely will feast your eyes!



Best Cinematography最佳攝影

Emmanuel Lubezki, "Birdman"


Best Visual Effects最佳視覺效果


I am sure you've already seen this, cuz everyone watched this just as you need to watch Super Bowl's Katy to talk to peers.



Best Costume Design最佳服裝

"The Grand Budapest Hotel"


Best Makeup and Hairstyling最佳妝髮

"The Grand Budapest Hotel"


Best Production Design最佳藝術指導

"The Grand Budapest Hotel"


Best Sound Editing最佳音效剪輯

"American Sniper"

No comment cuz I didn't watch it


Best Sound Mixing最佳混音



Best Documentary, Short Subject最佳紀錄片

“Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1”


Best Short Film, Live Action最佳短片

"The Phone Call"


Best Short Film, Animatedy最佳動畫短片



My A-List may not be the best review, but with it you can add some new film to your pocket list. Get ready to get some new thoughts from these great movies. Toast to these outstanding people for making our lives more interesting than ever!

原文出自於我的部落格Alex Style Diaries


Alex Style Diaries





Alex Shih



奧斯卡 oscar 得獎電影 影評

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